Allow change without judgment and focus on bringing in more of what you truly value instead of needs and desires you were imprinted with.

Our universe and all its abundance, in its ethers and astros, always provide. The energy today is that of the Taurean under this New Moon. The Sun is also in Taurus and so this is powerfully showing us and supporting us by grounding our Earth energy and inviting us to focus on our foundation, our environment and our finances, with themes of stability, practicality and what is truly important.

This Moon/Eclipse brings us to our own performance review of ourselves, a reevaluation and action towards necessary endings, beginnings and change. This time looks at relationships. Your relationship to your comfort, security, resources, support, values and self esteem.

The things that are most familiar to you may not be the most supportive, and what you thought was your security may come into question. It is important to set yourself up in a good way to work with the challenges and the opportunities of this eclipse cycle.

Take some time to evaluate what you have, what you don't have, what you need and what you don't need. What gives you true security and what nurtures you and feeds your self esteem.

A relationship with anything that does not feel supportive needs to be addressed and changed. Look at what is in your life that you thought would make you happy but does not. Allow change without judgment and focus on bringing in more of what you truly value instead of needs and desires you were imprinted with. Watch addictions during this time as they represent the false comfort of the negative aspects of ego and personality.

This new moon also opens for us the theme of needing to come into more balance in our lives. What is out of balance? What small thought can you focus on during this moon to begin to bring in a bit more balance and grounding?

Change is here whether we like it or not and is being fed and stimulated by a need for action. Beware of over asserting yourself or over reacting in a negative way. The best response is to wait and see. Then, when clarity comes, it is time to act and act with certainty and confidence despite any judgments from others. This is a powerful time where you can truly begin a new cycle in your life. Don't waste it by getting bogged down in stubbornness, fear and ambivalence. If you don't know what you want, start with what you don't want and go from there.
