The night breathes slow, deep, long. The breath of the Earth moves up to meet the stars. Slow down, dear one. Slow down. Breathe. The dark has its own music. The dark has its own spell. The dark is the breath that unclenches, bringing sweetness to our deeps.
Be as the sleeping mountains. In the rhythm of your patience, the world will be revealed. In the drum beat of our hearts, all the lessons of the year will tell their stories. Winter is stillness. It is deep calm. It is huge.
Carry your candle, yes. But do not let it blind you to the radiance of the dark. Do not let it crowd out the silence. Do not let it deafen the music of heartbeat, breath, starlight, humanity.
We turn the wheel of the year. We are time unfolding, seasons following seasons flowing through us, bodies, hearts, minds. We walk through the grace of the year, and our wholeness is revealed. We walk through the wisdom of the seasons and learn ever more how to love what we love.
-Maeanna Welti