What could we accomplish if we were not afraid? While we may not all choose to be stunt pilots, I bet there is something you have dreamed of doing that you are holding back on. Perhaps, it is something that is interfering with you living your best life right now.

 The whole point of this life is for us to evolve beyond what we as a species have been before — a humanity that loves more, forgives more, and becomes more --- the result of being fearless.

You may be unsure where to begin if you have been taught to be fearful and accustomed to living your life in this mode, as most of us have been raised to fear and most still are living in fear. Fear is the opposite of love and is often expressed as procrastination or a lack of self-confidence.

Fear has a multitude of negative emotional forms: anxiety, depression, worry, resentment, anger, unforgiveness etc.


Fear of failure

Fear of success

Fear of being judged / being good enough

Fear of emotional pain / being hurt

Fear of embarrassment / expressing feelings

Fear of being abandoned / being alone

Fear of not being loved / rejection

Fear of trusting others / losing control

Fear of intimacy / sexual performance

Fear of not being safe / the unknown

Fear of germs / not being able to breath

Fear of disease, loss or death


Whatever the fear that is most troublesome for you right now, be it a particular person, place, situation, issue, or finances, be gentle and patient with yourself. It can feel scary to let go of fears that have likely shaped our identity in many ways and throughout our lives.  Start from where you are at.

STEP 1: Identify the Fear - What are you afraid of the most at this time or in the future? One common world-wide fear present right now is that of COVID. 

STEP 2. Create a statement that acknowledges your fear which allows it to be ok and safe for you to work with it. - Every fearful thought we think contributes to what we may experience in our reality and it continues to do so into what could be our future, unless we change it. 

STEP 3. Rate the fear level on a scale of 0-10. - Assign the number based on how much mental space it is taking up and how strongly you feel it is impacting you. 0 = Not at all, 10 = Intensely.

STEP 4. Start to release the fear. - Fearful emotions, if not released, build up and get stored in cells, meridians and organs until it eventually disrupts bodily function. Tapping the beginning and end points of acupuncture meridians is a particularly effective way to help move stuck fearful negative emotions. It is a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues. It's based on the principles of ancient Chinese acupuncture.



Tap each point three times while repeating a diffusing phrase and thinking about specific fear you wish to clear. Use two fingers (index and third finger) to tap on each point. where there are points on either side of the face, you can tap on one side or both sides.


Tap these points while saying the following statements or use your own:

TOP OF THE HEAD - My fear adds to the collective fear

INSIDE OF EYEBROW -As I learn to overcome my own fear, I stop adding to the world’s fear

OUTSIDE OF EYEBROW - if we all did this, there would be no fear left

UNDERNEATH EYES ON BONE - I do my best to follow appropriate precautionary measures to help me and everyone else to be safe.

UNDERNEATH NOSE - I leave others to move through this challenge in the best way they know how. Bless them all.

UNDERNEATH MOUTH - I make peace with and I am alright with where everybody is at. I am free to choose what’s right for me



STEP 5. Re-rate the fear level on a scale of 0-10.  - It should be coming down or start to look differently, less intense. You can choose to move on to Step 6 or stay longer on Step 5 to keep tapping and working with other aspects of the same fear that may have now surfaced.

STEP 6: Think of new more empowering thought(s) and emotion(s) to replace your previous fear limiting vantage point.

STEP 7: Decide on a desirable goal or result that you are now freer to focus your energy on. - We have energy to devote to our true purpose, doubt disappears when we believe in the good in life. 

STEP 8: State your goal or dream in the form of a positive affirmation in the present.  - It can be in any area from health, career, relationships, finances, etc..

STEP 9: Reinforce your personal affirmation by tapping SI-3 continuously (side of hands…see above diagram for point location) while repeating affirmation three times.

Start using your affirmation by repeating it 3x (or more) upon awaking and 3x (or more) before sleep. You can also use it frequently throughout the day as an anchor that refocuses your attention. 

STEP 10: Think about how you might look, behave or act differently without this fear. - To live without fear would enable us to live more joyously, build stronger immunity and health, support a longer life span with more youthfulness and with opportunity to reach our full potential.

Finally, listen to your own speech. Work to improve your thoughts on each and every subject you give your attention. Your words should reflect positivity and the truth of that which you seek.  Remember to use common sense. Choosing to be fearless includes acting sensibly. Honor mother nature (she knows best), care for your body (you only get one this lifetime), respect each other (we learn through our relationships) and leave the world better than you found it (our kids and grandkids have to live here).

What could you accomplish without fear?


"You would be living life as you intended to live it, accessing the Energy

that creates worlds and flowing it toward your personal own reality."

- Abraham Hicks


